
Prof. Mohammed EL GANAOUI

University of Lorraine (FR)

Conference Title ???????

Short Biography:

Prof. Mohamed El-GANAOUI is a full professor at the University of Lorraine and researcher in the Jacques Villermaux Federation for mechanics, energy and processes (FR 28 63/LERMAB). He is heading the research in energy in the Henri Poincaré Institute of Technology in Longwy. Previously, he was an associate professor in the University of Limoges and the SPCTS UMR 6638 CNRS laboratory, where he was responsible for the Physics Department (2004-2010) and the international cooperation service (2006-2010) in the Faculty of science and technology. His research aims to understand heat and mass transfers through modeling and numerical simulation, with a specific activity in the field of the solid -liquid-vapor phase change. Applications concern materials and energy and benefit to energy systems, including phenomena for sustainable building (Eco-materials). He teaches the mechanics of continuous media, heat transfers, and numerical methods. He was advisor of more than 40 PhD Thesis with strong international interaction, noticeably in the Euro-Mediterranean context. He participated/managed the PAI Australia, Canada, L’Europe, le Maghreb (Tassili, Utique, Volubilis, ..), China (Xugangqi). El Ganaoui has participated in the Edition of more than 15 special issues and conference proceedings, co-authored over than 250 publications in journals (rank A) and participated in more than 120 international conferences, including ten he co-organized. He is member of many international scientific societies in mechanics and heat transfers.